The biggest compliment we can receive is for you to recommend us to your friends, family and colleagues. If you feel we could help anyone you know please tell them about us.
For every new patient we have as a result of your recommendation we will make a £10 donation to our Charity of the year.
The same £10 donation will also apply if any of our existing patients are happy to provide us with a review. Here are a few ways you can do this:
- Log into your facebook account
- Search for Gardens Dental Centre
- Click the stars on the right hand panel
- Write a review and rate us
What Clinic?
- Go to
- Search for Gardens Dental Centre in Kew
- Click the review button on the left hand side
- Write a review and rate us
- Go to
- Search for Gardens Dental Centre Kew
- Click on the write a review rectangle box Panel
- Write a review and rate us
If you do not have a gmail account:
- Go to
- Fill in the fields on the right
- Then click Next Step
- Google will ask you a bunch of questions. You can skip these until you get to your google+ page!
- Go to
- Search for Gardens Dental Centre Kew
- Click on the write a review rectangle box Panel
- Write a review and rate us