Endodontics and Root Canal

Specialist Root Canal work is available at our Gardens Dental Centre in Richmond. Root canal treatment is needed when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth, called the pulp, is infected through decay or injury. Root canal treatment also known as Endodontics is a procedure whereby dead or damaged nerves and blood vessels are removed from the inside of an affected tooth and replaced with a protective filling. If the infection is left untreated, it can cause a painful abscess and bone loss and without root canal treatment your tooth may have to be taken out.
Do I need Root Canal treatment?
Endodontic treatment is required when bacteria enters the pulp of the tooth, making it very painful and swollen. This is often as a result of decay, trauma or a crack developing in the tooth. You may not feel any pain in the early stages of the infection. However at every oral health examination or emergency appointment, especially if you have experienced trauma or are in pain, we will thoroughly check for any symptoms as part of our detailed routine checks. If our dental team suspects a loss of supply to the tooth this may require special testing and our CBCT scanner is a vital diagnostic tool, learn more about our advanced technology below.
What is Root Canal treatment?
At our expert root canal treatment in Richmond our specialist Endodontist Stefan, will delicately clean out the root canals and remove all the damaged tissue and bacteria. This process shapes the inside of the tooth which can then be filled with a replacement material, which prevents the bacteria returning and thus allows the tooth to heal.
At Gardens Dental centre we use the latest and most advanced technology in our diagnosis and treatment of root canal. Crucial to this is our CBCT scanner which unlike X-ray, provides a 3- dimensional scan of your teeth and surrounding structures showing even the most previously difficult to diagnose cracks and infections. Our Specialist Endodontist can utilise tool this to help pinpoint the source of pain. To ensure a high success rate with root canal treatment alongside the CBCT scanner we also use a high magnification microscope, which allows full vision down the root canal.
How long does Root Canal treatment take?
This will be dependant on the complexity of the case and which tooth or teeth require treatment. As a general guide, a simple root canal for your front teeth can take between 1 to 2 hours if the tooth has one canal. But you should be prepared to spend about 2 hours in the chair or a little more for your back teeth, as these teeth have more canals. Re-doing a root canal will also tend to take 2 hours or more.
Root canal in our Kew Practice usually requires just 1 visit, we remove the infection, then clean and fill the root to prevent any recurrence. After the root canal treatment Stefan will rebuild the tooth and place a strong core filling in the cavity.
Following Root canal most back teeth need to be protected with a crown. At Gardens Dental Centre we offer digitally designed same day cerec crowns.
Does Root Canal treatment hurt?
Root canal treatment can be quite a long procedure but is usually painless. A small amount of discomfort is normal after treatment but this can be managed with painkillers available over the counter.
How much does Root Canal treatment cost?
Please refer to our list of Fees
Meet our Endodontic and Root Canal Specialist in Richmond
Dr. Stefan Ciapryna
BDS (King’s College London) 2011, MJDF RCS (Eng) 2013, PG Cert Contemporary Restorative Aesthetic Dentistry 2015, MClinDent Endodontology King’s College London (Distinction) 2019, MEndo RCS Edinburgh (Distinction) 2019
Stefan is a United Kingdom registered Specialist Endodontist and Restorative dentist who holds a special interest in restorative, aesthetic and endodontic dentistry. He is the Clinical Lead and Endodontist for LondonEndoImplants. His work as an endodontist has culminated in him obtaining the dual Masters degrees’ of Member of Restorative Dentistry (MEndo) and Endodontist (MClinDent).