Sunday 2nd October was a bright autum-nal day ideal for an outdoor market and coincidentally the day we chose to host our first practice event.
With the Kew Market in full swing and the Hanwell ukulele band creating a great background soundtrack. Happy Kew residents were out in force to support their local stall and shop owners.
Our Invisalign event had a steady foot fall throughout the day and we were able to advise 6 patients about potential “teeth straightening treatments” without the need to look like a Bond villain!
Our thanks go to Becky Shepherdly from Invisalign who spend the best part of the day scanning patient’s teeth and demonstrating the full extent of this new treatment.
We also had a novelty stall located directly outside the practice selling products that were a perfect fit for our sugar free philosophy of life… K2 Beer, a sugar free beer which was well received by our patients as well as passers-by.
This will hopefully be the first of many events we are planning throughout the year and I’d like to thank all the staff who gave up their Sunday morning lie-in to make the event a success.
Pictures From The Event